FabFilter User Forum

Feature Ideas for Pro-R2

I find Pro-R pretty much the best sounding reverb in the market. It always pleasantly sits in the mix.

For a possible next version of the reverb there are a couple of features that I'd like to see:

* Gating. Have the reverb tail release out faster when it's below a certain threshold. This could be either a full band threshold - or the
gating could be band specific with an envelope. For that fabulous 80s gated reverb sound.

* Ducking. Duck the reverb when the input is high (above threshold) with attack and release time. Again, this could be either a full band threshold or a band envelope.

Both of these tricks can be done with additional sidechaining plugins in the chain, but it would be quite convenient to have them built into the reverb itself.

Peter Hajba

Hi Peter,

Thank you for your feedback. I don't think we'll implement these features in Pro-R 2 as, like you mentioned, they're very easy to do with additional plug-ins in the chain.

One of our biggest challenges is always what features to pack and why. There's never a lack of ideas for additional options, deciding which features deserve to be on the interface is always our biggest challenge.

Hope you understand!

Maarten (FabFilter)

Ducking is very annoying to do with additions plugins for a couple of reasons:
- extra routing (annoying)
- god forbid you have latency inducing plugins in the chain, if something goes wrong the whole thing gets thrown out of time (all DAWs have some PDC issues), the more complex the routing and chain from which you're sidechaining, the more likely you'll run into a PDC hell.

If you want to put the reverb in-line (not on a separate send) and duck it, you can't do it from the same channel strip that's feeding the reverb (because that's a feedback loop) meaning you need another source just for the ducker (wasteful and annoying).

Having to adjust TWO plugins instead of one is also a workflow hinderance.

There's simply no reason not to include at least ducking, it's pretty much the norm for mixing nowadays, and you have amazing tools at your disposal to do so.

Having a mini pro-c2 inside ProR would be exceptional.

Toraverb2, SeventhHeaven, SSL Reverb, Tai Chi, Klevgrand Kleverb all have ducking.


Forgot to say in the first psot:

Imo, not adding a built-in ducker for Pro-R 2 would be a mistake, sorry to say so.

Gating would be welcome, but it's not as common and utilitarian as ducking is.
FabFilter is known not only for great sound, but also for user experience, great workflow, agility and stability.

Having to use two plugins for something as rudimentary as reverb ducking is neither great for workflow nor agile :)


Hello Ploki,

just as a comment:
Not having this feedback latency issue in Bitwig Studio here. I've set up a test with an effect which introduces a lot of latency (~ 70 ms) on a send FX channel (Split EQ) and put a gate Pro G afterwards, which was triggered from the audio channel, which is sending to the FX channel. The send FX channel was then inverted and it nulled out perfectly on the master which showed that in Bitwig PDC is not a problem and is sample accurate.

But I agree that having a ducking option in reverbs and delays improves the workflow and saves time.




Sorry about my earlier post not being totally clear. We are looking into ducking and gating for Pro-R 2 but at the moment we're not set on a clear feature set. Offering a very extensive set with threshold, ratio, attack, release and side-chain controls would be very hard to do without making a mess.

Maarten (FabFilter)

Not all DAWs :) And not all scenarios.
Depends on where you source the audio and where else that audio goes. Logic definitely falls apart in some scenarios (i.e. using a latency inducing sidechain plugin on a bus that's also fed by a latency inducing plug)

Aah, that's great to hear!
If i might add on feature set feedback on ducking, the approach in Twin3 is a good one. A nice single compression knob that opens up to 3 controls. More than enough imo!

One thing that would be useful in context of reverb next to what Twin3 offers is a simple "Range" knob, so you can limit the compression amount easily once you've dialed it in, and a routing control so you can drive it with reverb input or sidechain


guys, thanks for adding ducking.


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