FabFilter User Forum

Analyzer only shows "pro -Q (2)" NOT track names

I see people on youtube using the analyzer and they see the name of the tracks that the various pro-qs are on... I don't see that... I only see a list of "pro-Q." WTF is that... I need to know what track each one of them is on! And I can't rename them... this has me so irate right now... I want to work on music not trouble shoot stupid problems like this... how do I see what track each pro Q is on not just a list of "pro-Q" like that is useful info.

Anyone?? I'm using Ableton Live

matt hoefler

Hi Matt,

It sounds like you are using VST2 instead of VST3. The VST2 protocol does not communicate the track names to other plug-ins only VST3 does. If you switch to VST3 or AU instead you should see the track names.

Ralph (FabFilter)

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