FabFilter User Forum

Twin 3 Volume controls for filters in parallel mode

I really miss a volume control for the filters to adjust their loudness if I use them in parallel mode.

Beside that the unisono mode should be possible to exlude oscillators from it.


Yes. Filter volume would be great!

Patrik Rydberg

Are there Devs who read the forum?

If yes, do they also reply for feedback?

If not where can I post suggestions like this?


*In addition some creative&useful usages of volume controls for each filter:
-if volume is completely zero it would act as a bypass feature.So you can blend in different sound colors with modulators and automation.
-You also can create rhytmic or smooth different volume modulations&automations for each filter to create very interesting patterns
-also for mixing purposes it could help to find the right ratio between the different filters in parallel mode.
-you can create different vowels which can be controlled with the volume controls.

Beside this examples, Unisono is now applied to every single oscillator, now we need to add another synth to create a oscillator without unisono mode, but if the user want to use as example just one oscillator with unisono mode within Twin 3, it is not possible. So this could be another nice addition.


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