FabFilter User Forum

Twin 3 Bugs

1. Running T3 (VST 3 version) with Blue Cat Patchwork as host, CC64 does not result in sustained notes. Patchwork runs other VST 3 instruments and sustain works as expected. Running T3 under Cubase works fine, so the problem is not a local equipment failure.

2. Set up an XLFO to be a random generator triggered by note-on: one step random, 0 frequency. With a single active osc, modulate pan (or modulate pitch, doesn't matter). With the appropriate depth, you get a result as expected: nice random L/R placement. The problem is that the visual feedback totally does not replicate the audio L/R result. Route the modulator to another unused target and the visual feedback between the two targets is identical (both wrong in the same way).

3. Minor documentation error in the filter routing section:
Serial: the sound passes through both filters serially. So the sound of all oscillators are led through filter 1 and then through filter 2
Parallel: the sound is led through both filters in parallel and the result is then mixed together after the filters

David Baer

Not that there's any evidence that anyone from FF even looked at this post ...

I can report that bug 1 has disappeared. I upgraded my DAW to Win 11 and the sustain pedal behavior in Patchwork no longer is problematic.

David Baer

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