FabFilter User Forum

Twin 3 broken on Logic Pro 10.7.7

I have most of the Fabfilter plugins and all work fine in Logic 10.7.7 on my M2 16” Macbook Pro except Twin 3.

When I insert Twin 3 in a software instrument channel, the plugin window stays tiny and empty and Logic produces an error dialog which says “An Audio Unit plug-in reported a problem which may cause the system to become unstable. Please quit and restart Logic Pro. “. There are 2 buttons in the dialog: Recover and Quit.

If I click Recover, the tiny window closes and I am able to play Twin 3 default patch by using my midi keyboard. Twin 3 also passes the plugin scan - as proven by checking the plugin manager.

It is not the audio engine of Twin 3 which is crashing - its the user interface. Some problem with the new scaling feature, I think. Before this crash I did see the Twin 3 interface in extreme closeup. And I have never seen it since.

I have wiped all my Fabfilter plugins and reinstalled. Several times, including wiping all the files written in the Libraries per your instructions. I have even wiped and reinstalled Logic. Nothing helps. Note than Twin 2 and all the other Fabfilter plugins work perfectly in my setup.

Please release a fix for this bug ASAP.

John Sobota

Hi John,

That's strange. First of all, could you try and reset the scaling settings using the Terminal command below:

defaults write com.fabfilter.Twin.3 ScalingAdjustments ""

When this is done, could you try again? If the results are the same, could you try disabling graphics acceleration?


Please let me know if this makes a difference.

Ralph (FabFilter)

Hello Ralph,
The terminal scaling reset fixed it! I can now see and use the Twin 3 interface.
THANK YOU for the great support!
It’s really great to have access to people who have this kind of deep knowledge.
All the best,

John Sobota

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