FabFilter User Forum

Ideas Pro-R2

I really like the Pro-R and looking forward after 6 years to a Pro-R2 and here are some ideas & wishes :-)

1. Keep the simplicity of the plugin (but still integrate features

2. Toggle option between Mix (dry/wet) and dry/wet as 2 separate signal (like it is on a return/send to keep the dry 100%)

3. Duck option for the Reverb-wet right from pre-delay with one knob like the Predelay

4. Toggle option between space (in ms) & BPM Sync (1/16, 2/16-1/8, 3/16, 4/16-1/4, 5/16, 6/16 7/16, 8/16-1/2, 9/16, 10/16, 11/16, 12/16, 13/16, 14/16, 15/16, 16/16-1Bar, ...) like you have the toggle option for PreDelay (ms & Sync)

5. Colour Saturation EQ Option from Volcano 3 in the EQ section

6. Mid-Side EQ Option from Pro-Q3 in the EQ section

Looking forward hearing your thoughts and point of view and if there is something in planning :-)

Kai Heartleader

We are definitely looking into a major Pro-R update, thanks for these suggestions (most of which happen to align with our own thoughts!).


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks for your feedback and looking forward for the major update! Hope it will be available sooner than later ;-)
It is still a great sounding and easy to use Reverb Plugin.

Kai Heartleader

Some insight of my thought to topic 2:
2: Dry/Wet
-When it is on a track it would be great to have this option. And I see plugins move more and more from busses / sends to inserts.

I would do it in a new way:
-Make two sliders (dry & wet)
-I would make a button to switch between the two option 1. Separate dry/wet channels 2. dry/wet morphing
-If separate dry/wet channels is active the signal are split in a dry and wet and each slider can change the gain individual
-If separate dry/wet is deactivated it behaves like today (1 audio channel with wet/dry morphing) & Important! Meaning the two sliders are linked! Meaning if I change eg. the dry from 50% to 60% the wet goes from 50% to 40% and also the other way around: if I change the wet from 50% to 70% the dry goes from 50% to 30%. This is independent if I change the dry or wet slider. Question is what to do when I change from 1-wet/dry-channel to 2-separate-wet dry-channels? I would not implement a logic link between. I would keep the setting individual when switching between the 2 options.

Just wanted to write down my thoughts :-)

Kai Heartleader

As another feature I would add

either: randomize parameters in a sensible ways,

or: choose a random preset. This one seems much easier to implement and still keeps the intended functionality.

Brano Fabry

Looking for a option to also work with convolution reverb, so that custom impulse responses can be worked into mixes as needed.

Timothy Brown

I'd like to add a few utility things to the list:

1) Ducking
Simple easy ducking from within the plugin, dry signal affects tail. (probably doable via mod system if it gets implemented)

2) Transient suppresion
Some form of "transient diffusion" to soften the transients on the way in.

3) De-esser
this might sound silly but i often use reverb on vocals with a more aggressive de-esser settings so sibiliances trip the reverb less.


Great suggestions!

I would like to add:

It would be awesome to have the ability to toggle an envelope generator that controls wet signal.
You can make some unusual effects like "reverse reverb" or simply shaping the decay/release part in a more interesting way than a simple roll off.


Why not just give Pro-R the same modulation possibilities as Timeless3?

Patrik Rydberg

And move the pre delay knob up next to the other main controls. You can do that right away before any Pro-R2

Magnus Johansson

I have to agree about the browser, it's wonderful. Can you elaborate if this is coming only to major paid updates of your plug-ins, or to existing ones.

What I would "correct" is that the favorite star is available at all times even when the browser is closed.


To the fabfilter.com admin, You always provide useful links and resources.

Blair Lyman

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