FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q 3 presets

Myself and a colleague both use Pro-Q 3 and we are trying to share presets on a project we are collaborating on.
His system is Windows based and although his built-in presets are .fpp files, when he does a “save as” to save a new preset, his system tries to save them with a .vst extension by default.
My Mac based system cannot see these, so he has tried to change the file extension to .fpp, but although my system now sees them, I still get a message saying file not recognised.
I thought that all Fabfilter presets were .fpp files, so cannot understand where we are going wrong, as the manual confirms that the file format and path to the presets folder is the same on both Windows and MacOS.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Brian McAdie

Just to clarify, I’ve realised I typed .fpp in the above, when I actually meant .ffp. Nevertheless, the issue is still exactly as described.

Brian McAdie

Hi Brian,

There are different types of presets. The presets made by our plug-ins are .ffp files. These are made and recalled using the preset browser of our plug-ins themselves, located at the top bar of the plug-in just to the left of the help menu. The .ffp presets can be used in different formats and OS versions, so a .ffp preset made in Cubase on Windows can be recalled by a plug-in on Pro Tools on a Mac.

DAW's usually also have their own way of saving or recalling presets, which have different extensions. This can be .vstpreset or .aupreset, depending on the host and the type of plug-in used. These type of presets can usually not be recalled by different host. They might be recallable with the same host on a different OS, depending on the host you are using.

It seems to me that your colleague is saving a preset using the DAW's preset browser, and not using the plug-in's built in preset browser. When using the plug-in's preset browser a preset is immediately stored in .ffp.

Different preset files cannot be converted by changing the extension.

Please let me know if this resolves your issue.

Ralph (FabFilter)

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