FabFilter User Forum

AAX Silicon Native - MISSING

Where is Silicon Native for AAX? You guys were first to this in December 2020 for others. And it's been easy enough for other manufacturers who were already native on other plugin formats. UPDATE PLEASE

Jonathan Wales

I’m adding my plea here, your tools are the best in the Pro Tools world, please get in the Native AAX bandwagon urgently please!!
I would hate to have to fish for alternatives.


Adding mine also, I'm switching to M1 technology right now and Pro-Q3 is my go-to EQ in PT.

FabFilter team, any date for AAX release???

Nicolas Raynier

Indispensable plugins. Another ask that you please port these for AAX Apple silicon native very very soon!
Thank you!!

Clint Bennett

I love my FabFilter plugins but it's time for FabFilter to make their plugins compatible with today's newer Apple Silicon computers like the M1 Mac Studio Ultra, M1 and 2 MacBook Pros and the Apple move to ditch Intel. We really need your plugins to be silicon compatible sooner than later in order for us to take advantage of the full power of these computers.

Thanks for listening!

-Ron Aston


Same here, the lack of Fabfilter plugins plugins when running in Native Mode in the latest Pro Tools update is really holding me back. It runs so much better natively but the Fabfilter plugins do not show up unless you run Pro Tools in Rosetta mode.

Ryan Carline

Yes please Fab Filter give us something to work with on the new ProTools that runs natively on Apple Silicon. Your plug-ins are the most important ones of the bunch!

Stefano Bonzi

Please please please,
We need Apple Silicon AAX versions ASAP of your plugins to take advantage of our new machines with Pro Tools.
Your plugins are still important for us, but the clock is ticking.

Marco Bernardo

Please! We need apple silicon versions of the plugsin ASAP


What everyone else is saying :)

huub lelieveld

The Pro Tools Apple Silicon native public beta came out today. I already have some plug ins that are working but missing some important ones from you guys... Any info on a release date for native AAX version would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

Dave Rhodes

Ditto. I need AAX Silicon NAtive A.S.A.P. Thanks.

Blake Henderson

Yes Please, like the others, we can NOT do without Fabfilter plugins.
AAX is a must right now.

Thanks guys, Marc

Marc Smith

We need Apple Silicon AAX please


I'm also very much looking forward to the AAX Apple Silicon Native versions.

Kerry Smith

Yes please get these AAX silicon native going! asap - I love and live fab here.

Thomas Tiger

AAX silicon native Please. We love you.

Ray Chung

We need Apple Silicon AAX please... urgent

Albert Souris



+1. At least a timeline. 😊

Stein Tore Sønsteli

No doubt in my mind that everyone at Fabfilter is working very hard at getting the AAX plugins ready to run natively under Apple Silicon as soon as possible.

Just replying to show my support and letting you know your plugins are craved for in the Native Apple Silicon AAX format.

Success ironing out all the digital creases.


Hi everybody,

We are currently still working on the native AAX versions of our plug-ins. We wished we had been able to release them when PT 2022.12 was released, but there were still some bugs that need to be fixed first. We hope to release them shortly after the winter holiday.


Ralph (FabFilter)

Thanks Ralph :)

Brian Mullany

Thanks, Ralph! We went from 2.5x export speed to 50x export speed on our M1 templates with this 2022.12 update, but we all know waiting for quality is worth it. Back to 2.5x for now!

Thomas Cassetta

Amazing to see all the people screaming how they need Fab Filter ASAP!!!! ALL CAPS!!!! LOTS OF EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!

People, Avid JUST released the BETA build for Apple Silicon on Dec. 27th. Developers only received builds a very short while before that. Astonishing to see so many people demanding Fab Filter release it within days of PT releasing a beta.

It will take some time for all developers to get things working in ProTools, not least of which ProTools Beta versions change wildly and most developers have learned not to even try and code for it while in such a fragile state.

If you need to run Fab Filter, just run PT in Rosetta mode. It still works fine. 90% of plugins aren't yet in AAX in Apple Silicone yet. Take a deep breath people. DEEP. BREATH.

Tim Nielsen

Thanks Tim!

Very helpful, and I will wait patiently. I’d rather wait 3 months, than to get an update/fix later that would change the sound of the mix (in case there were bugs in the processing algorithms which you had to fix)

With that said… just a brief counterpoint to the 90% comment

… 90% of plugins are not Fabfilter, and I mean that as a complement. If I could only keep one 3rd party plugins then it would be Fabfilter… if I could pick 2 vendors, I’d keep UAD also.

Ps… the protools apple silicon Beta is useless anyway, until mp3 export is supported… I doubt that anyone would want to jump back and forth to export mix versions for clients


I know Avid is the real culprit in this matter and it's only been a few weeks that anyone has had a developer build, but if that's such an issue for developers then what technical matters have allowed SO many other developers to have these AAX universal builds ready for months now?

Brandon Paddock

Hi guys,

We've made a temporary build with AAX Apple Silicon support available here:


Note: all plug-in versions in this bundle are equal to the versions available on the public /download section. The only addition is native AAX Apple Silicon support.

Later this year, we will officially update all plug-ins of course.


Floris (FabFilter)


Brian Mullany

Thanks Floris!

Out of curiosity, how "beta" is this release? Should we expect it to be stable in AAX Apple Silicon?

David Shackney

It's working great here! Thank you Ralph and everyone at FabFilter for jumping on this!

Jonathan Wales

Are these beta versions?

Dave Rhodes

Hi guys,

This release is build on the exact code base as the current official release as now available on our download page, withe the exception of the updated AAX SDK which adds native Apple Silicon compatibility for Pro Tools users. In short: this release should be just as stable as the official downloads.

Having said that, note that Pro Tools native Apple Silicon support itself is still in beta ;-)

Floris (FabFilter)

Do these versions work on Ventura?


Yes, all our current plug-ins should work on Ventura.

Ralph (FabFilter)


Thomas Cassetta

Worked wonders! Thank you!

Andrew Diaz

All working smoothly on my MBP M1 Max in Pro Tools native silicon mode. Out of curiosity - I'm assuming your coding was already incredible because offline bouncing appears to be similar speeds when using native silicon or rosetta mode?

Paul McCosh

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