FabFilter User Forum

Saturn 2 mix knob?

From how I understand it, the Mix knob in Saturn 2 is supposed to control the blend of dry/wet signal, which should mean that if it's at 0%, it would be as if the plugin was bypassed (given that there's only 1 band)? However I am experiencing a phenomenon where the Mix knob isn't doing anything, and I seem to be getting the fully wet signal even at 0%. It's also making the audio *extremely* loud and distorted despite the Mix and Drive knobs both set to 0 and all other settings at default. I have made sure that there is only one band total in Saturn, as is the default. Is this a bug I'm experiencing or am I not understanding something correctly? Sorry if this is a newbie question, just trying to figure out what's going on. I'd like to tone down the amount of distortion that Saturn is applying, however I'm unable to do so without turning down the plugin in my DAW, which I fear may be a sub-optimal approach, unless that is how it's supposed to be done? Any help would be much appreciated!


Oh I found out that this was because my input signal was really loud already, and even with the Mix and Drive at 0, a lot of distortion was still being applied. Turning down the input gain made it sound normal again.


Another reason why real meters would be helpful in this plugin


The mix knob that you will find on each of the band parameters, or on the single band parameters if you just have a single band, will just blend the signal of that band. However, Saturn 2 already has some light saturation and color on the input. Using the mix knob of a band will not bypass this. However, the global bypass you find in the output section at the top right will bypass this.

Ralph (FabFilter)

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