FabFilter User Forum

new modulation system annoyances

sorry to say this, but i'm not a fan of the new modulation system introduced in Saturn 2, Timeless 3, and Volcano 3:
everything is taking way more steps than before, as i have to first click on the modulator to get access to the parameters, sometimes even multiple times.
also, maybe it's just me, but unlike before, the modulation amount slider is now extremely fiddly to hit as it is just a couple of pixels tall.

i get it that it probably has some benefits if you are using DOZENS of modulation targets per modulator, but otherwise it's a chore

a secret admirer

Guess I use a lot of modulation. But I strongly disagree. The sliding modulation row, with endless scrolling, and panels opening/closing in main gui, was a strong reason for me pretty much never using my v2 licenses. New system, especially where you can both click a modulator to adjust everything it modulates or click a knob and adjust everything modulating it is GREAT i m h o. The graphic indication of modulation of a knob is great aswell. (Though I would like to have a mouse-over showing exact numeric min/max modulated values. Would be very handy sometimes...)

I agree it can get fiddly, but you can always double-click to enter exact values, and I have a hard time seeing a better way to do it, given the insane flexibility in mod routing.


Would be handy to be able to "pin" a mod-source GUI open though...


yes, this would make it better, but still not a fan of the new one.
though of course i'm taking into account that i very well might be the only one who's thinking this ;)

a secret admirer

Mod slider has the same click area as the previous, only the indicator is a few px tall. You don't have to click the indicator :) (about 20 px)


@ OP - No, it's definitely not just you. I also share some of your frustration with the new modulation implementation within those same three plugins. Basically, the three newest plugins, which set a precedent that I'm not a fan of going forwards.

Previously, Fabfilter had not put a foot wrong, where every new major update objectively improved workflow and features. Whereas, these latest updates have improved certain aspects, while impeded others.

Yes, it's nice to be able to quickly collapse multiple modulation elements so that most can fit within the plugin window. However, there should also be an option to be able to open more than one modulation panel up at a time. And if required, to expand and open all modulation panels simultaneously. This could help reduce the amount of 'clicks' some users are required to make when making tweaks and changes.

There is already the ability to scroll through the panels, once they overflow beyond the visible window size, so Fabfilter should also allow an option for any users who would prefer to keep the modulation panels fully expanded/open to do so.

I also think that the 'diffuse glow' effect of the modulations should be 'optional'. As I personally find that rather distracting and unhelpful. I would prefer an option to either display that more simply (perhaps without a 'blur' effect and just simple lines, or with an option to simply disable it entirely.


^ Or is it called a 'diffuse flow?' ... Either way, I'm sure you know what I'm referring to. It should be 'optional', or the ability to remove its 'blur' effect, for users who would prefer to.

I don't want to feel like I'm stuck in a 1970s disco every time I use these plugins, lol! :)


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