FabFilter User Forum

Pro Q3 eucon layout broken in cubase 12

Hello FF people,

Little issue with the eucon layout in cubase 12 on Windows 11.
I'm using eucon Version with eucontrol 2022.9.0.41.

In pro tools everything is good :

In cubase it's messed up :

I tried to overcome the issue with custom settings but the problem appears to go deep in the core of the plugin.

Thank you for your support


Hi MMambole,

Unfortunately, this is a little hard for us to investigate at the moment as we don't have the appropriate control surface ready to investigate. Needless to say it is quite strange it maps correctly in Pro-Tools and not in Cubase. Have you tried contacting Steinberg about this as well? Perhaps they'll be able to shed some light on the situation.

Maarten (FabFilter)

Hi Maarten,
Thank you for your quick reply.
The only control surface you need is a tablet running pro tools control.
I didn't think of contacting Steinberg because it was so far the only case of "mismapping" I encounter so far on cubase, but you maid a good point I'll ask them as well.

Michaƫl Mambole

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