FabFilter User Forum

FabFilter Pro-MB

Hi. I'm very new to the mixing world and there is something with compression that I don't get.

When I apply extreme compression(lowest threshold + range/infinite ration/low attack/low release) to a sound on pro MB, the moment I use the ''Band Level'' gain ( which looks like a ''make-up'' gain) and level the sound back to where it was before the compression, I hear near no difference between the compressed sound and the uncompressed sound. So it makes me feel like the actual compressor doesn't compress...

Do I need a therapist?

Michaƫl Venne

Hi Michael, It sounds like you have set Pro-MB in such a way that it is constantly compressing. When the compressor is constantly reducing the level of the signal, and can not recover due to the low threshold, it would indeed be just like you reduced the level of the signal. Dial up the threshold so the loud parts exceed the threshold but the softer parts are not.

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