FabFilter User Forum

Yamaha Standard C3 as middle C

Is it possible to set piano role in preference to display as Yahama Standard of C3 as Middle C instead of Roland C4 as middle C.

Ableton uses the Yamaha Standard of C3 as middle C, therefore this has an impact when I view piano notes in ProQ3 it does not match accurately in Ableton.

This would be a nice feature request if this is not currently possible. Maybe somewhere in the "Help" section you can check mark to show either Yamaha or Roland Standard for piano role. Thank you for your help.



Hi Amado,

Our plug-ins indeed use the Roland standard, which has C4 as middle C. At the moment there is no way to change it. Some DAWs have the option to change the used standard, but as far as I know it's not possible in Ableton.

Ralph Verdult (FabFilter)

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