FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q3 feature request : 'Delete All Disabled Nodes' option

Self-explanatory. Often I find when i've over-EQ'ed certain elements and i'm going back for a clean up, i'll disable certain bands and just make a broader band that covers the same area, then go through and delete the unused nodes one by one. It'd be really convenient to just be able to delete all the disabled nodes in one go

Tom Heist

Hi Tom,

You can simply select multiple nodes by clicking and dragging and delete them at once.

Ralph Verdult (FabFilter)

Hi Ralph,

Thanks for getting back to me. While this works, it's tricky if you've got nodes clustered together closely. It's much easier just to delete them from the bottom right of the node control panel, but as said, you have to do it one at a time.


Tom Constantine

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