FabFilter User Forum

Pro Q


we had the discussion if a phase shift occurs between the mid and the side signal when:

- applying a stereo filter and a side filter in the same Pro-Q e.g. two low-cuts at diff. frequencies
- in the same track (one audio file)
- in zero latency mode

The manual says:
Consider using linear-phase processing when filtering stereo channels (left, right, mid or side) differently to avoid introducing unwanted phase changes.

But doesn't make clear if this in the above scenario, or when EQing two separate audio tracks, one with mid and one with side information.

My personal guess is that the delayed signal of the EQ is applied to the whole signal and thus causing an equal phase shift in the mid and the side information of the signal.

Thank you for clarifying


Hi Psiger,

When you add a high pass filter on both the Mid and the Side signal, but with different cut-off frequencies, you will indeed get a different phase shift than if you would put a single high pass filter on your complete audio file.

Ralph Verdult (FabFilter)

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