FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q 3 Crashes UA Luna and Logic

I just bought ProQ3 and it constantly crashes UA Luna whenever I use it. It has now happened 4 times in the past 20 minutes. I'll be in the middle of playing a track, and all of a sudden, everything will freeze. The DAW controls stop working, and, when everything finally un-freezes, it just all crashes.

I've tried changing the graphic acceleration (suggestion elsewhere) and re-installing everything. Then I tried using Logic, and it crashed that, too. Running a new-but-not-M1 MacBook Pro with OS 11.4.

Literally the only plugin this happens with.

Anyone else experiencing this or have suggestions on how to fix it? Getting frustrated that this is practically unusable for me.


Chris R

Hi Chris,

Can you send us a crash report via email so we can try to see what's going on?


Frederik (FabFilter)

(Just following this topic - pre-purchase Pro-Q 3 research; I'm using Luna + Apollo as well)


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