FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q3 Feature Suggestion

I wish you could add the possibility of having some settings in Pro-Q3 as default, so every time you open a new instance of Pro-Q3, you don't have to change the settings to your liking. For instance, the (Processing Mode) is always set to Zero Latency, but I always only use Natural Phase, so I have to change it every single time I'm using a new instance of Pro-Q3. Or the (Display Range) is always set at 12 dB, but I personally always use the 30 dB range, so I have to change it to 30 dB on every new instance of Pro-Q3. These small things get very annoying very quickly when you have to change them 50 times a day. It would be very nice to have the possibility of our own desired default settings, so every time we open Pro-Q3 it's set the way we want it to be.

Another Pro-Q3 Suggestion: The color of some drop-down menus in Pro-Q3 are inconsistent with the plugin itself. For example the Shape Button's drop-down menu is in black which is good and consistent with the plugin, BUT the drop-down menus of the following settings are all in WHITE which is really inconsistent with the plugin:

Slope Button
EQ Parameter
Processing Mode
MIDI Learn

Thank you for your time.


I'm pretty sure you can save changes in the default preset that is loaded whenever you add a new instance of the plugin.


Oh yeah, I'm sorry I didn't realize that. I tested it now, and it worked exactly as you said. Thanks.

My second suggestion still stands though. At least I think it's more beautiful and consistent to have all drop-down menus look the same and have the same dark color. As it stands now, the following drop-down menus look different and are in white:

Slope Button
EQ Parameter
Processing Mode
MIDI Learn


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