FabFilter User Forum

Full screen is covered up by both the top bar and the app bar on MacBook Pro 2021

The AU versions of your plugins don't properly full screen when you press the button.
It looks like this.
It seems to work when logic is fullscreened, though I still find it weird that the options at the top (like undo, which is pretty crucial at times) disappear when going fullscreen.

I think most people, me included, almost never use apps full screen on MacOS, and especially on a MacBook, where the screen is tall enough to still have a 16:9 application at full resolution and still have space for the navigation bar and other stuff.


Max Hammerum

Hi Max,

Normally, when entering a plug-in full screen, it should not show the menu bar and the dock. What macOS version are you using?


Ralph Verdult (FabFilter)

This looks like a problem that we fixed in the latest updates. Are you using Pro-Q version 3.20? If not, please download it here:


Frederik (FabFilter)

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