FabFilter User Forum

The world's a stage

Fabfilter (ProC2) is the best. I have used mine daily for years, for audiobooks, web explainers, commercials...
Just want to repeat a nudge I offered to Maarten some months ago: take the Hold feature a bit further!
Think about a theatre play: greatly varying vocal levels, with more or less silent pauses. As the gain auto-recovers, these get amplified, along with unwanted audience noise. Very familiar! Then there's a conspicuous reduction as the next dialogue starts.
So how about taking the Hold feature just a bit further: provide an option of it 'freezing' at the preceeding gain level, then very slowly recovering to half-gain, to await trigger up or down by the next sound. Lo! Less drastic gain change!
I know this really works. I tried it by hacking a hardware comp when I needed to record performances unattended, avoiding obvious compression. It was not at all complicated to implement.

Howard (UK) — Dec 15, 2021

Howard in UK

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