FabFilter User Forum

MacOS Monterey + new MacBook m1 pro buggy

my plugins are really buggy on current new setup. PRO L2 is not showing LUFS meter, whenever I open saved project again ceiling moves to -30dB. PRO C2 is even worse, when I copy plugin onto new track it completely changes settings, "waveform" view is not even working.
I run plugins native on latest Ableton Beta, is anyone else experiencing similar stuff? + thought fabfilter's run native on m1, but when I installed them I had info that they need to be run through Rossetta

Wiktor Farnicki

Hi Wiktor,

Thanks for this report. The message about Rosetta during the installation is now fixed in the latest versions (released today December 13, 2021). Regardless of the Rosetta message, the plug-ins would still run natively on ARM/M1 though.

Could you please try the latest versions from www.fabfilter.com/download and see if this fixes the issues above? If possible, send us detailed information at info@fabfilter.com, including screenshots if possible. That would really help to investigate!

Thanks in advance,

Floris (FabFilter)

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