FabFilter User Forum

Volcano3 - Pro Tools - Enable Automation for Sliders

In Pro Tools I'd like to be able to automate a slider control in Volcano 3. For most parameters the user can click the relevant knob in the UI while holding the ctrl, opt, cmd modifiers to enable automation on that parameter. Unfortunately this doesn't apply to user-assigned sliders.

The list of parameters in the automation dialog is many pages long and hard to parse. In it I see XY controls listed but not sliders. Do they belong to the 'Slots'? In any case, it would be fantastic if the user could use the hotkey trick to get this going in a hurry. Maybe there is a legitimate reason this couldn't work but I'm curious to hear the developers' thoughts.



Hi Egon,

Sliders and XY controllers are interchangeable. They are basically 2 versions of the same module. When you click on the little arrow at the bottom-right corner of a slider you can make it an XY controller, and vice versa.

When you want to automate a slider you would indeed automate the XY controller. The slider will react to the "XY Controller Ver" lane, so you would only have to automation-enable that parameter.

Ralph Verdult (FabFilter)

Thanks for clarifying re: sliders vs XY controllers. Any thoughts on support for the automation hotkey?


Hi Egon,

What hotkey trick do you mean exactly?

Ralph Verdult (FabFilter)

^⌥⌘+click the controller to enable automation. It works for all of the static knobs in the UI.


Hi Egon,

The enable automation shortcut indeed does not work for a slider of XY controller. I think this is because of the way the slider and XY controller are built, but I'll have to check this with the developers!

Thanks for following up. If it were possible to implement it would go a long way towards ease-of-use in Pro Tools. Another option would be for the user to enable automation for all parameters and begin writing automation but with such a long list of parameters it becomes unwieldy when you need to dig in and make adjustments to the automation line.


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