FabFilter User Forum

Volcano 3 asymmetrical waveforms

I've noticed that several of the filter types in Volcano 3 such as 'raw' and 'extreme' produce asymmetrical waveforms when driven, particularly on drums.

This can be a bit problematic when using signals processed by Volcano for sidechaining or limiting. It's not a deal-breaker by any means, but I'm curious if this is an intentional (or unavoidable) byproduct of driving these filter types?

B Ivers

This is a by-effect of the tube-like asymmetrical saturation that we use. You can add a DC filter after Volcano 3 (e.g. a Volcano 3 instance with a single high-pass filter at 20 Hz using the Clean style) to reduce its effects.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks Frederik! I figured this out by accident last night -- oddly, i had the best results following up Volcano with an instance of Saturn 2 in 'tube' mode. Almost completely removed the asymmetry. I assume this is due to a balance (or lack thereof) between even and odd harmonics. Anyway, great stuff to learn and just amazed by how great Volcano 3 is, so happy to have it in the arsenal.

B Ivers

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