FabFilter User Forum

Copy Pro Q settings from Pro Tools and paste to another DAW


Can I copy Pro Q settings from Pro Tools and paste to Pro Q in another DAW (Adobe Audition in my instance)?

Thank you

Dan Smith

You'll have to use Fabfilter's built in preset system do to this. (ie, save as a preset from within the plugin, and load that same preset from within the plugin in the other DAW). But no straight copy/paste.


Thank you. I don't mind saving and loading the preset!

Dan Smith

Hey all,
I want to bump this topic because I think copy/paste functionality would be a game changer for users like myself. Reaper is my DAW of choice for many reasons, speed being the chief one. I work in sound design and post production, and in that circle Pro Tools is still, unfortunately, a requirement for collaboration.

As such, I often find myself doing an extensive and time-consuming conversion using a combination of AAtranslator and manual labor. Pro-Q3, Pro-C2, and Pro-L2 comprise probably 80-90% of the plugins in any one of my sessions. Right now, the fastest method I have to move plugins is to, one-by-one, save the preset as default in Reaper, insert a plugin in PT, then recall default … and rinse & repeat.

I cannot more strongly request the ability to copy/paste plugin settings using the clipboard. It would save so, so many hours of work for those who are in a similar position.


Matt Glenn

Matt G.

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