FabFilter User Forum

Q3 automation dilemmas in ProTools

Hi meant to post this for a long time:

So over the years we've established a workflow with Q3 that basically uses a 7-band preset that is defaulted through the entire session and only the automation lanes for those are activated in PT as activating ALL automation lanes for Q3 eats away a lot of performance. Copying and conforming sessions with hundreds of tracks become extremely slow so we try to only use a maximum of 7 bands as this also works best for Eucon mapping.

So far so good. The problems start when members of a large post teams unintentionally double click into Q3 and create new bands that are then not automated leading to static EQ settings through 7 reels of the timeline. Or they accidentally delete a band and then create a new one that is then not the band they deleted but is created as band 8 which again isn't automated. I guess you can see where this is going. Chaos and messed up mix sessions.

So I was wondering if there is a way in the future to lock down the bands that can be used in FF and not let editors in shared sessions delete/create new bands so everyone is forced to work within those 7band templates and everything stays fully automated with just those bands?

Hope this made sense. Obviously automating all parameters would be best but especially Q3 slows down editing behaviour *a lot* I guess due to gazillion breakpoints being created across all those lanes.

Hope this made sense.

Thanks for listening!

Hans Wurst

In short:

I wish there was a way to lock down mode a set of bands that throw up a message when someone tries to add or remove a band but still has full functionality otherwise.

Hans Wurst

Hi Hans,

Thanks for the feedback. We understand the problem and will think about a way to tackle this for a future Pro-Q version.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thank you, looking forward it!


Hi - yes this is a big issue for me here as well. I've begun using ProQ3 across entire projects, but with hundreds of instances x huge number of parameters, Pro Tools is grinding to a halt in terms of automation.

I'm not sure the best solution.

One possible method would be a scheme for setting the max number of bands the UI will allow the user to touch / see / control; possibly stored as part of a preset or even a global setting.

Jeremiah Moore

One workaround would be to use one of the 5/6/7 flat bands presets as the default preset for Pro-Q 3, and enable only these 5/6/7 bands for automation in Pro Tools. It's not ideal but it will reduce the load it has on Pro Tools.

Ralph Verdult (FabFilter)

+1; This is a big issue for me too; win10 + pt 2022.12; editing music stems is so slow, even if there are only a max. of 7 bands activated for automation; you only have a fluid editing experience when you remove all parameters from the automation;

Adnan Alicic

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