FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q feature request: Support all four compression/expansion types for dynamic bands

Dynamic EQ bands on Pro-Q 3 currently support only downward compression and upward expansion, but not upward compression or downward expansion.

The omission of the latter two modes is currently the only reason why I occasionally still need to use other dynamic equalisers, otherwise Pro-Q 3 would serve all my dynamic EQ needs.

While I agree that the two supported modes cover a wide range of use cases, I sometimes find myself missing the ability for upward compression in particular.

I know maintaining the best possible usability is paramount in your design choices, but I think implementing this wouldn't make things considerably more complicated, since it's basically just adding one more binary switch to the EQ band controls. Currently the dynamic bands can only be made to trigger if a signal exceeds the threshold, so all it would take is having a toggle that would allow to switch this behaviour so that the band triggers if a signal is below the threshold.

I'd love for this to be added to a future version of Pro-Q.


No feedback on this?


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