FabFilter User Forum

Locked Solo Bands


For some time now (if I had to guess, I'd say 6+ months), I've been experiencing some weridness with Pro-Q 3. While mixing a TV show (either premixing at home, or on the mix stage), Pro-Q will randomly lock bands within the plug.

It's random in that it happens on random bands within an automated instantiation of the plug-in, and 99% of the time only manifests after closing and re-opening the session. If I have 10 instantiations in the session, maybe only 2 of them are effected by this glitch, but maybe all of them are.

Once you click on the solo band button in the plug, everything is fine, at least for the duration of that time in the session. Restarting the session for whatever reason introduces the chance for a new glitch.

It has been a workable issue until this passed weekend. The glitch manifested in the middle of printing FINAL mix and stems for delivery to go to air. It was caught, but this issue could be potentially damaging for a production. Is there an update, a workaround, a key command to clear all solos... a prayer to chant...?

Thanks much.

Nick S.

Hi Nick,

I've also reached out to you over email to request some more information and a session.


Ralph Verdult

Any update to this? Been having a similar issue in start up with solo latching itself “on”, you click it and it’s off. But if you add another, move it in the chain…. It will turn itself on again.

David Bonilla

Hi David,

The issue was resolved in a general update of Pro-Q 3 a few years back. Are you running the latest version?

Ralph (FabFilter)

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