FabFilter User Forum

Fab Filter Pro Q not downloading

I have recently purchased far filter pro q 3 and when I go to download
the plugin so I can insert my license, the plug in is nowhere to be
found. I have tried to redownload sever times but to no avail.
Please help.

Kenzo Tran

I also have the same problem! Please help !!!

John Falke

Hey! What OS and DAW are you guys using? Are you using the latest installers for Pro-Q 3?


Ralph Verdult

I am having similar issues. I see the plugins downloaded in the user folder, but they are not visible in Ableton. I am on Mac OSMonterey.

Blair Brennan


Im having the same problem too.

I have purchased Pro L2 and cannot find any components for it.

I've checked Library/audio /plugins; but only have the following sub folders in the plugins folder;

Components (Fabfilter Pro-L2. component - Blank page showing)

MAS (Empty folder)

VST (Fabfilter Pro-L2.vst) (Powered plugins all - UAD ones)

VST3 (Fabfilter Pro-L2.vst3 - Blank page showing)

Currently running MacBook Pro Monterey 0S + Ableton Live 11 studio.

Please help. Thanks in advance.


Hi Nick,

Ableton uses VST2, VST3 and/or AudioUnits. Have you enabled one of these three in Ableton's preferences? If this is not enabled Ableton will not scan for plug-ins.

If Pro-L 2 is in the Components folder (which are the AU versions) or in the VST3 folder, Ableton should be able to scan them. You can perform a manual scan in your Ableton preferences.

Ralph Verdult (FabFilter)

It worked!! Many thanks Ralph. All sorted now.


Nick Clark

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