FabFilter User Forum

Saturn 2 - non stop CPU overloads in ProTools

Hi There,

Having serious problems with Saturn 2 and extremely erratic CPU behaviour. Sometimes it's absolutely fine, other times it instantly overloads my rig when commencing playback. A CPU spike when starting playback just shoots the whole system into overload.

Currently on PT 2021.6 (have tried two previous versions with no success) - 6 core 3.5ghz dustbin with 64 gb of RAM running the newest version of Mojave. The rig is otherwise incredibly stable and always set to the highest buffer size (mixing only). I don't have these sorts of issues with any other plugins, some of which are also incredibly CPU intensive.

For example, I'm currently on a project which is only using around 15% total system resources - all the cores are barely ticking over during playback, but I can only get Saturn 2 to run if I bypass the plugin when starting playback, *then* disable bypass *whilst* playback is happening.

I have three bands open, no linear phase filters, highest quality setting. It's a mono aux channel.

Alex K

IGNORE THIS - thankfully PT's new crash reporting function has informed me it's due to the Lexicon plugins. Disabling Saturn stopped the CPU overloads but it's actually a spike being caused by Lexicon Plate.

Alex K

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