FabFilter User Forum

Pro L 2 crackling when listening to compressed peaks


I've just installed the mastering suite and am trying to apply the limiter to a track. All sounds fine, but when I audition the compressed element (via the headphones icon) I hear very bad crackling. I've experimented with oversampling with no luck, and reduced the gain of he source file just in case, but this makes no difference. I have the same problem in both Logic and DSP Quattro.

Any ideas?

Thanks very much in advance... I LOVE the plugin, so fingers crossed it can be sorted.

All the best


Jez Butler

Sounds strange. But to higher the chances of getting it reproduced: what type of signal are you limiting, with which style, and by how many dB? And maybe a audio example could help too.

Every dynamics processor has a certain point where zipper noise or distortion becomes audible. But I usually can push ProL2 very hard before noticing any artefacts.


Thanks Phil - it's a WAV - have tried all styles; only 'safe' works without crackling. I'm pushing the gain around 6dB with output set to -3dB (for vinyl). I'm new to this so, to explain what I'm doing, I'm clicking the headphones icon. As I slide up on the left I hear just crackling, but then the while track gradually becomes audible.

Jez Butler

Oh I'm sorry, I misunderstood part of your question. The headphone icon only monitors the parts that's "cut away" from the singal so to speak. I think it's just the difference between the original input and the processed output. That of course will sound strange because the limiter isn't working all time and the waveform will still cancel out on many little cycles. From what I just saw on little gain reduction this will lead to small signal/silence repititions which sounds like crackling. It also makes a big difference between a snyth or a snare (the latter one sounded like less crackling but more transient). I'd say how it sounds in audition mode is almost irrelevant, it's only a quick way to listen what parts of the signal are affected.


Phew - thanks very much for clarifying, Phil!

Jez Butler

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