FabFilter User Forum

Logic Session Won't Open - ProQ 3 Issue - Help!

Hey everyone,

I've never had this issue before with FabFilter plug ins, but I'm trying to open a logic session I was just working on, and all of a sudden, it's crashing before it'll load.. and the warning message says it has something to do with the ProQ3:

PlugIn Path: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/FabFilter Pro-Q 3.component/Contents/MacOS/FabFilter Pro-Q 3
PlugIn Identifier: com.fabfilter.Pro-Q.AU.3
PlugIn Version: 3.11 (3.11)

Please help if you can!

Steal! Records


I believe we have been in touch about this via email in the meantime, correct?


Ralph (FabFilter)

I'm having the same issue with plugin version 3.17. It crashes logic most of the time

Bruno Koziel

Hi Bruno,

Please send us an email at info@fabfilter.com with your details.


Ralph (FabFilter)

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