FabFilter User Forum

Can't sign in

Too many log in attempts. Try again Later. Fine. I tried again later. I've reset the password several times. Same message. Ok, maybe i did something wrong. I wait for several hours and try again and yet the same message. WHAT IS GOING ON?

D C Roberto


D C Roberto

same issue

liam j creus

Going through the same thing right now, emailed their support team


Same issue for me

Jince Mathew

Hey guys,

Send us an email at info@fabfilter.com if you need help getting into your account.


Ralph (FabFilter)

Same here, I reset the password and it still has me logged out which is annoying, But even more so for the fact that when I try to log in with the updated passwords I get the Too many log in attempts error.

I love the plugins, but this is very a poor standard of basic e-commerce.

Brian Galway

Hi, I am having the same issue. It won’t let me sign in and it keeps saying to many attempts can youse please help? Thank you.

Luis Santos

Hi Luis,

Please email us and we'll help you out.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Same problem here. I'll email.

David Harrison

Same issue here. I need to login TODAY to download my plugins and master a project. Need help.

Theo S

Same issue, what's happened Fabfilter? I'm awaiting an email back.

Anyone had any success in login in at?


Hi Ian,

You should be able to log in again now.

The reason behind this is that we recently moved to more aggressively block failed logins, in order to protect against malicious attempts to match databases of known email/password combinations to our accounts (this is unfortunately something that happens to almost all web sites these days). We can manually unblock you: just email us or leave a post here with your email address (which will be hidden for everyone but us).


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi team@FabFilter,

Same issue here. Can you please unlock my account again?



Hi Sebastian,

You should be able to log in now.


Frederik (FabFilter)



Hi Brent, your account is not blocked, and I see you have been able to login correctly. If you need help getting access to your account, please send us an email at info@fabfilter.com

Ralph (FabFilter)

same here, please unlbock me thank you

Hamza Khadim

Hi, Im also waiting since 10 h to get access to my account agian.
I also wrote an email yesterday evening.

Would be great to get access today again.




Same problem, I also wrote a mail 2 hours (netherland daytime) ago.

Please activate.


same problem need to get the upgrade to saturn asap for one of modules

Leo Magaya

Hi guys,

I've just manually de-blocked all your accounts.


Ralph (FabFilter)

I can't login. access me please


Gang, I've replied to your email earlier and unblocked your account.


Ralph (FabFilter)

same problem, it won't let me sign in...can you help me? i just want to sign in and using my plug-in


I'm having the same problem, can't login to my account even though I reset the password several times. Please assist!

Stefano Frantellizzi

Still cannot get into my account, this is kind of ridiculous. I've reset my password on multiple occasions. I am still getting the "too many login attempts" pop up.

Stefano Frantellizzi

Hi Stefano,

I see you have been able to login in the meantime, right?

Ralph (FabFilter)

Same problem here


Really want to get some new plug-ins but have been locked out for two days now... This "TOO MANY LOGIN ATTEMPTS" is insane... I know I get a discount with my other purchases and wont order until I can get into that account... really disappointing...


I need my account unlocked please, didn't realise I'd been given a password when I paid for the products. Would like to use them asap

Sam Carter

John, Sam, I've unlocked both your accounts.

Ralph (FabFilter)

hi i have the same issue, can you unblock me?
thanks & best regards


Yes, its been a couple of days of me going back and forth trying to log-in, can someone please help

Andrew Allen

@sébastien, I've just unblocked you.

@Andrew, I see you have been able to login in the meantime, correct?

Ralph (FabFilter)

Same issue here, please ublock me.
Thank You!


Same hereeee, please can you help me and unblock me? I also emailed you guys. Thank youuuu


same....been couple of days i can't login, change my password and emails i send you gets blocked by your spam filter.

could you plz unblock my account? thx

Semih Yanyali

Same problem here! Please unblock, thanks! :)


could u unblock me


I've just processed al your email addresses. You should al be able to login again.

Ralph (FabFilter)

Guys, I get what the point of this feature is, but holy c*ap is the setting for this too sensitive. If I enter the wrong password 3 times, I'm locked out for WAY too long, even after I successfully reset my password.

I get you are trying to keep hackers out from brute forcing someone's password, but there are ways to do this that would be way less of a pain for your real users. At the very least increase the number of failed attempts to 5, or reset the lock after someone does a successful password reset.

Adam Duro

PLZ! same issue! unblock my account too!!

claudio zurita

@Claudio, I've just unblocked you

@Adam, we are still finetuning the system. However, we had to take these measurements to be able to keep everything running and accessible.

Ralph (FabFilter)

Same problem... Plz unlock me!!

Yoowoon Kim

Hi Yoowoon, I've just unblocked you.

Ralph (FabFilter)

I have the same problem "to many login attempts, try again later",I have reset my password but the problems remains!!!!!

Huntley Barker

I locked out from my account as well. I'm trying to download my license. I've tried resetting my account a few times and it did not accept them. I need help.

Alvaro Acevedo

@Huntley: I've just unblocked you manually.

@Alvaro: I have unblocked you earlier to day in response to your email.

Ralph (FabFilter)


can you please unblock my account quickly.

Thank you!

Josh Barrett

please unblock me too. just trying to install these o a new computer and forgot my password - now i'm locked out.

Alex Urquhart

Ive been blocked. would love getting help. just about to activate my new plug ins!

Jesus Cervantes

@Josh, @Jesus, you are unblocked.

@Alex, your account was not registered as blocked. Could it be you tried logging in with a different email address? Since we do not like to send out personal information on the forum it might be easier to get in touch via email: info@fabfilter.com


Ralph (FabFilter)

same issue, my account is locked. just sent an email. bought my first plugin today too :( please help


Hi Timothy, I've just unblocked your account.

Ralph (FabFilter)

It needs to be addressed and fixed. Find a better solution. 24hr lockouts are pretty unacceptable, especially when we just wanna log in and give you more money, I've never had it happen like this.


please unblock my account

Noah Melis

hi Ralph
Can you unblock me please?
Thank you


Michael Bennetsen

@Noah: I've just unblocked your account
@Michaek: I did not see a blockage added to your account. Could you please send us an email at info@fabfilter.com so we can get your issue resolved?

Ralph (FabFilter)

I am also locked out, even after changing password.
Thank you!

Lucio Westmoreland

Lucio, I've just unblocked you.

Ralph (FabFilter)

I am locked too. Please unlock me.

I agree with everyone else. Your system is way too strict. If I mess up 2 times, then get in, then 8 hours later I mess up again (which can happen because people have WAY too many usernames and passwords) then you are locked out and it takes way too long to get for the system to reset so you can get back in.

There are better ways to do this. Go 2 factor authentication or increase the number of attempts to 5. It's way too restrictive.


Byron Thomas

Hi Byron, I've just unlocked your account.

Ralph (FabFilter)


Just reset my password, but still blocked. Mind resetting me?


Will Ingram

Hi Will,

I can't see a current blockage on your account at the moment. Could you send us an email to info@fabfilter.com so we can have a closer look?


Ralph (FabFilter)

Hi! Got locked out, updated password but still can't get back in. Have e-mailed you already, but following up here.

Please please please change this system. I transferred a whole bunch of products from an old to a new computer in the past 24 hours, and this is the only problem I've run into I couldn't fix myself or find the solution to quickly online. No phone number, no online chat, and I've no idea how long it will take to resolve; please resolve this.

Thank you,

Peter White

Please unblock me ASAP


And I think you should change the system. If this happens again in the future I'll have to switch to another brand


Hi Philip,

I do not see your account being blocked. Please get in touch with us at info@fabfitler.com if your issue is not resolved.


Ralph (FabFilter)

Hello I've been locked out of my account for 2 days, I changed my password. I bought a new computer so I would like to download my plugins please!!


can you pls unlock my account?

THX in advance
Cheers Flo

Florian Gerger

Waited some hours and now it worked - thx

Florian Gerger

Could you please unblock my account? I am getting the same login error after waiting and trying again. Also sent an email.


dharmeshwar maheshwaran

can you please unlock my account?

Thank you and greetings



@Marco & dharmeshwar maheshwaran, I've just unblocked you. You should be able to login now.

@ Florian & Katie, your block was already lifted, and you should be able to login.

Ralph (FabFilter)


Same problem as everyone else! Could you please unblock my account? I also sent you an email. Thank you!



I'm also having this problem. thx

Craig Williams

Charles and Craig, you're both unblocked.

Ralph (FabFilter)

I sent you an email. But I will post here too. I tried to change my email address. When I got the confirmation email, clicked on the link and tried to sign in with my new email, but then got the same message. Too many attempts, please try again later. I then tried my old email, and the same thing. Tried changing my password with the new email, got no email. Tried changing my password with the old email, and I did get an email, and I think I successfully changed my password, but am still getting the same message when trying either of my emails. So I need help unblocking my account too.

Also, does changing your email have any effect on anything else I should know about?

Thank you for your time.

Trevor Wagner

Hi Trevor,

When asked to login after clicking the link in your confirmation email, you will have to log in with your old email address first. The email change will only be processed when we have confirmed your credentials. Therefore it is possible that your login attempt with your new email address blocked your account.

I've just unblocked that account again. If you need help getting your email address changed please reply to our mail, as we cannot enclose that information on our forum :-)


Ralph (FabFilter)

Having the same trouble here... would like an unblock please. Thank you...


please unblock my account please


Account is locked out and I need to get in asap


Hi guys,

If blocked, please reset your password via www.fabfilter.com/request-password-reset .

You will receive an e-mail with a reset link, and after you've chosen a password, you will be automatically unblocked.

NOTE: If you don't receive an e-mail, your FabFilter account might be under a different e-mail address, so do try your other e-mail addresses in that case.


Floris (FabFilter)

Hey Guys,

I'm also blocked. Please unlock my account I need the PlugIns tomorrow ://

Thank you in advance.


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