FabFilter User Forum

Pro-C2 knee value represents what?


I have a very nerdy question, but I hope you can answer.

In the Pro-C2, what does the value of the Knee slider actually represent?

The units are positive dB, but it is clearly not dB per octave.

It seems to my untrained eye like dB per dB? Or something like that? But that does not make sense, either.

0dB == hard knee == sharp hockey-stick curve

+18dB == a more gradual curve. But what is being graduated, exactly?

+72dB == the highest setting and most gradual curve. What property of the signal is now 72dB higher (or lower)?

I hope I am making sense. Before anyone says "DOOD JUS USE YOR EARZ" this is not about that. The plugin sounds fine. I have no problems using it.


Uncle Freddie

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