FabFilter User Forum

Compression *before* the signal hits the threshold?

Pro-C 2

If we go by the GUI, with any knee setting higher than 0.00 dB, compression kicks in *before* the threshold is reached. See this image:

/Users/bmd/Desktop/Knee 01.png

Is this really what happens, or does compression *start* when the threshold has been crossed?

Michael A

I thought I could upload an image. Anyways, I think you understand my question even without a screenshot of the Pro-C 2.

Michael A

Hi Michael,

With a hard knee setting (0dB) the signal will not be compressed before it reaches the threshold. When you increase, or soften, the knee, the compression will start more and more before it actually reaches the threshold. This makes the compression slide in more when you soften the knee.


Ralph (FabFilter)

Interesting! So the knee factually increases the attack time depending on its softness. I did not expect this. It must be doing this via some kind of lookahead.

Thanks for your response, Ralph. Much appreciated.

Michael A

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