FabFilter User Forum

Suggestion for Pro Q

2 suggestions for Pro Q.
Hope non of these exist yet, im a new user ;)

The ability to link freq nodes by parameters, such as setting the freq of node 2 to =half of node 1, that way you could make sure 2 nodes keep an octave in between at all times when moving node 1 . Linking gain would be cool also, like invertingvthe gain of two separate bands, when i boost 250 hz, i cut 500 hz by the same amount etc.
Parameters ;)

Global linking.
Any chance you could let us link two instances of Pro Q? Say i have one instance on my kick drum to boost a freq, but would like the same freq to be cut on my bass, all while sweeping around.


Hi Mattias,

Thank you for your feedback! These are some interesting requests. However, I don't think we'll be implementing features like this anytime soon. There are a lot of options and ideas we could still implement in Pro-Q, we've had tons of them ourselves as well. But in the end we simply have to cut corners. The main design principle for any version of Pro-Q has always been to keep the interface as clean and neat as possible. More features means more knobs and buttons which will in turn clutter the interface very quickly. Even adding our dynamic algorithm has been a great challenge to keep as lightweight as possible. We like to think of Pro-Q 3 as your bread-and-butter eq for fast and simple eq-ing. Although we'll probably release a new version of Pro-Q at some point I think we'll be very critical of the features we'll add. That being said, we'll add your feedback to our list of feature requests.

Hope that clarifies!



Maarten (Fabfilter)

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