FabFilter User Forum

Please (!!!) disable "Host Closing"

Dear FabFilter,

please please please do a little programming and stop making the registration of plugins to force you to close the host!

This is getting really really annoying! I am a user of all your Plugins, I bought them and use them a lot. For some reason every 2-3 weeks the plugins want a registration which is kind of buggy and annoying! It really is a mess.

I tried to reinstall everything about 10 times now. I was in contact with your support, but it does not get fixed for me.

But if this would only need the key to be put in and I can work on, it would be like "i can live with this malfunction".
But additionally everytime this bug bumps out, I need to restart my host! In my business this is so annyoing that I start to think not using FabFilter Plugins anymore! Several 100 Euros for software and then the copyright-function annoys the user? That is how it definetely should NOT be the way. Several friends of mine use cracked software and are fine with it. Why is the legal way so messed up?

Dont get me wrong - I am not saying that I go back to cracked software because I want to use legally bought products. But since your Host-Closing-Function is not acceptable, I think that I look for other Plugins than FF instead and I definetely will not recommend them to my clients anymore.


Tim D.

My first time ever browsing here just before purchasing some plugins, and I see this post.


Don't get me wrong - it was not my intention to create a hate speech. The FF Plugins are state of the art and absolutely wonderful! Everyone that is seriously making music should make use of them. FF deserves support and props for this so FF will deliver such nice Plugins for decades.

But it is really an issue for me as a user, that the copy protection and its activation needs the host to be closed and reopened. There are many many other companies that have much besser solutions implemented in their plugins.

I just want to open this for an open discussion because I really do not get the point why this needs to make the copy protection work. FF should work on this.

Forcing the producer to close the host in ANY process of production (even in the beginning) is a drastic game changer.

Kind regards,

Tim D.

Hey, what hosts do you have in use? Have FL and ProTools here and not a single problem with authorization. The issue also is rather the automatic de-authorization which usually either happens if hosts do some sandboxing stuff or the license is not legit... I do not think FabFilter needs to do changes here as it usually is a one time thing to apply the license and then it goes on forever. I also never had to close the host at all after authorization but only remove the current plugin from the mixer slot and reinstantiate it. That's what the info field also tells the user after applying the license. So whatever is going on you surely have other problems because it's not the regular behavior, sorry.


Hi Tim,

It should indeed not be necessary to re-enter your license key frequently. There could be a few reasons when your system asks you to do so.

The first reason could be that you are using any Mac cleaning software like Mackeeper, CleanMyMac or anything similar. These kind of applications claim to keep your machine clean, but instead they also delete important data, like the files in which we store our license keys. If you use any software like this, we strongly advise to uninstall the application.

The other reason could be that there are licensing or plug-in files on multiple locations on your computer which can get messed up. One thing that you could try, is to uninstall -all- FabFilter plug-ins, so also demo's of plug-ins that you haven't licensed etc. (see www.fabfilter.com/support/faq/#how-do-i-completely-uninstall-plug-ins-from-my-system).

After this, restart your computer, open your DAW again confirm that it doesn't show any FabFilter plug-ins anymore. Because if it does, this might mean that you didn't uninstall everything and some plug-ins files might be placed in unexpected places on your drive...

Then, if you're a 100% sure there are no FabFilter plug-ins on your system, re-install by downloading from www.fabfilter.com/download .

Please let me know if this resolves your issue.


Ralph (FabFilter)

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