FabFilter User Forum

pro-q 3 messes up when left idle overnight or day

Pro-q 3 works fine, but when everything is idle overnight or idle throughout the day whilst I go to the day job, the output goes very quiet or nothing at all.
the GUI stays as it should be which is the last changes I did.

Got 2 workarounds
1. move the EQ points away and back to the same place, and one of them will get it working
2. duplicate its instance in Ableton live and delete what you duplicated from.

video of doing workaround 2:

Ableton live 10.1.9 (not tried laptop yet with 10.1.13)

i7 7700, 24gb ram, plenty of solid state drive space.
windows 10
focusrite 18i20


Can you send us a preset (Pro-Q 3 setting) that reliably reproduces this problem?


Frederik (FabFilter)

It is universal through all instances of it.
nothing specific with a preset.
I don't actually use any presets.
the issue isn't easily reproduced. it just happens after being left on and idle.

It doesn't matter what types of EQ points are used, it still happens.


did you get a fix for this? I got the same issues.


Hi Roco,

We have found a bug which caused the issue. The fix will be implemented in the next general update.


Ralph (FabFilter)

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