FabFilter User Forum

Educational discount

I’ve applied for the educational discount twice and haven’t heard back... there’s no way I can afford it without the discount while also paying for school. Can someone help me figure out how to remedy this situation?

Nahum Tesfai

I also applied for the educational discount weeks ago without hearing back from FabFilter.

Poul Høi

Same, I just received an email saying it was processed. Yet, they did not provide any information on how to access my account and how to apply the discount. Which leaves me, at square one with no discount and no affordable option.

Nahum Tesfai

Hi Nahum,

Your application as been processed this morning. I double-checked and you do have an EDU account, and it also looks like you've been able to make purchases through it. So I'm guessing everything is okay now?

Floris (FabFilter)

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