FabFilter User Forum

Strange Saturn bug?

So I've recently tried Fabfilter Saturn on my d'n'b reese and so far I love it, the control over the warmth of the low end and the crunchy highs are amazing, however, I've run into one very strange bug? Or what I think is a bug, I'm using FL Studio by the way.

When I apply Saturn to my reese bass track that in of itself is fine however it's applying strange effects to other tracks, or seemingly global effects. My snare and it's layers no longer trigger at the same time and seem out of sync? And drums in general seem to not trigger quite right with a really subtle but noticable time offset.

Also I've read Saturn is CPU friendly yet my CPU useage is frequently up at 90% whereas before it wouldn't go above about 50, I'm using a Ryzen 3 3200g id that helps. I can post audio clips with the effect of and on for comarison if that helps?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

Sammy Boy

Ok so I've fixed this problem by disabling 'linear phase' mode. Quite how this was effecting the master in such a way it was messing up the timing of certain percussion tracks I'm not sure, something to do with phase cancellation? Can anyone explain what linear phse mode does?

Sammy Boy

I think the problem rather was the introduced latency in linear phase mode (around 70ms). Did you activate the automatic plugin delay compensation? Don't know how else FL keeps things in time.


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