FabFilter User Forum

Please help, I purchased your Fabfilter Pro-Q3 from AVShop.ca and have waited 2 days for the download link, but in my recipt states that it's pending becuase they done have a copy to give me. I can provide proof of purchase.

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Fabfilter Pro-Q 3 EQ Plug-in (Download)ETA: pending

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13% HST (866139231RT0001):


I am unsure how a well established company can sell your product and not be able to deliver said product to the buyer, this is unbelievable.

I have taken this weekend off, specifically to have the time to familiarize myself with your product, but all lines of communication are seem to be null and void until at least Monday, can you please provide me with a place to send the proof of purchase email I received, and possibly supply me with a copy or code, so I can start learning how to properly use your product in my projects.

Thank you for your time,
Senserly frustrated

Brian Crosby

Hi Brian,

I'm sorry to hear AVshop has not delivered you your code yet. Resellers purchase their activation codes from a third party exchange market, so unfortunately there is not a whole lot we can do about this.
The best I can offer you at the moment is to use an evaluation license until you are sorted.

I hope this helps.


Ralph (FabFilter)

Thank you I appreciate you taking the time to help me, Happy 4th.


Brian Crosby

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