FabFilter User Forum

Saturn 2 GUI on iOS

I replied to the desktop thread regarding faster switching of saturation types, but thought I should start a topic for it. My apologies if my other post requires deletion. Message as follows:

I figured there was an elegant desktop solution (scroll wheel) but any chance we can get a better saturation type selection experience on iOS? It’s pretty clunky clicking through 2 windows to change to the next saturation type, assuming you remember which folder your previous audition was even in...

May I suggest a potential solution: tap and hold current type, let’s say ‘Warm Tape’ for example, and the window containing folders for the various saturation types appears (as it currently does), however, the folder containing the current active type could also cascade open. Then, you’d either drag over the folders to the open ‘Tape’ (in this case) window, hover over any saturation type, and release to swap type in. Alternatively, while dragging over the folder window to make a selection, drag finger up/down to any other saturation type folder to auto show, in real time based on the position of your finger, whichever window is currently hovered/dragged over, hover over desired type after gliding over the desired folder, and then release to select.

This would get us down to one click/release to instantly and easily select any saturation type in any folder using the existing GUI elements.

Or, arrows would be fine, if they were big enough, haha. Really, anything would be better then the current 13 clicks to simply view all available types, and...72 clicks in order to try out all 24 types. And on something like the iPad Mini screen, it’s a real battle.

Speaking of which, some text fields and nodes are incredibly small/difficult to select, highlight, or enter data on these smaller iPads; or get obfuscated by other pop-up elements. A larger font option would be greatly appreciated, but I’ve resorted to using the Apple Pencil to give myself a fighting chance, haha.

In any case, Saturn 2 sounds incredible. I’ve midi learned and mapped it, and absolutely love it. Thank you!


Additionally, now that I have this controller all mapped out, is there not indicator for which present bands are active vs bypassed (the button above Mix in each band); since mute and solo aren’t midi mappable, I’m using this power button as a bypass per band, but...only the currently selected band shows if the button is red/controls are dimmed, of course. The gain and level have visual feedback at all times; could it make sense to add Some
sort of additional visual cue so we can tell at a glance if any/all bands are bypassed or active? Perhaps the band level/grey bar in the center of the each band’s visual feedback could dim when not active, sort of like how it brightens when it is selected?

(I’m doing my best to be mindful and offer suggestions that use the current GUI without changes more drastic than a color/highlight addition and minimal code in hopes that someone on the team might agree this added functionality is worth the hopefully unobtrusive change! I know all day people are begging for everything under the sun, but these changes would immensely increase the user experience for me, and hopefully others!)


Great suggestion regarding the bypassed bands -- we definitely can add feedback for that in the display.

I've replied regarding going through the distortion styles here:

Thank you for the nice words about Saturn BTW! :)


Frederik (FabFilter)

That’s excellent news, thank you so much!


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