FabFilter User Forum

Looking to use Pro-Q 3


I sent a message a little but ago, but I think I was only replying to another post instead of posting it here.

I'm looking to purchase Pro-Q 3 have scoured the internet for a coupon higher than 10% as it's still a bit our of my reach with the us exchange online being 15-20 percent higher than in the banks.

I've of customers requesting discounts and being instantly responded to and even granted, this seems to be my last ditch opportunity to own and use a industry standard EQ. So would you be able to supply me with a discount code?

Thank you for your time, and stay safe,

Brian Crosby

I think there was a summer sale last year, starting near the middle of July to 1st August. Maybe you should wait a bit to see if it's gonna happen this year too.


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