FabFilter User Forum

Saturn 2 : Released on iOS!


Good to see it over here..

The others will ‘hopefully’ soon be following.

.. Looking at you Timeless (whatever version that will be)

FabFilter - Top-addi-Top!



Thanks! :)

Frederik (FabFilter)

Will Saturn 2 ios AUv3 be added to the bundle, I want to buy all together? thank you.


Hi Paul,

Well, Saturn 2 of course doesn't fit into the Pro bundle. We might add a Creative bundle later once we have more of our Creative plug-ins available for iOS. We could do a Total bundle but we first need to investigate what happens when you add more apps to a bundle later on -- the App Store is quite inflexible in this regard. For now, Saturn 2 is a separate purchase for these reasons.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thank you for your reply. I fully understand and certainly look forward to more plug ins from fabfilter...


Hey Fab Fam,

Always Love this app, but a few points for this version:

Saturn 2:

1: Legacy presets.
Is there a place we can download the S1 presets?
Or can you include them in an update..
(They are included in the desktop version.)

Saturn 1 presets:
1 - Allround
2 - Best Of
3 - Drums
4 - FX
5 - Guitar Amps
6 - Mastering
7 - MIDI Triggered
8 - Saturation
9 - Sequence
10 - Various

In Saturn 2, there is:
1 - Color
2 - Drive
3 - Guitar
4 - Lo-fi
5 - FX

I particularly used rhythmic presets such as “Sequence” etc..

2: Can we get ‘User’ Presets folders?

3: Trying to tap the modulation presets arrows is difficult (small). Tapping the disc on Saturn 1 is much easier.

4: Similar to 3 ^ tapping/selecting the unit for a name change is difficult. Hit or miss..
Majority of the time I’m unintentionally tapping the scroll bar as it is on the same horizontal line as the unit names.

5: Can we turn off menu animation, where it auto-scrolls up n down when you go in and out of folders. Also, can the presets open in the last folder you were in - or, the menu stay open (whilst auditioning presets) until we tap outside of it.




Hi King,

There is currently no way to import/export presets in our AUv3 plug-ins for iOS -- Apple really makes this difficult. As far as we see, an AUv3 plug-in cannot share its files in the Files app so we'd have to do something else.

We completely revisited all presets in Saturn 2 and are no longer including all v1 presets, but in the iOS plug-in, this means you can't use them at all (on Mac/Windows you can just install the old presets manually of course). We'll think about a possible solution for this.

Yes you can make a user presets folder! For more info on saving presets and organizing them, see:

I see now that the scroll bar for the modulation sources really gets in the way on iOS (fortunately you don't see it very often). Since you don't need it for scrolling, I'll change it so it doesn't take the touch focus and you can still hit the modulation preset buttons.

Also, I see what you mean regarding the slow animation of preset menus: we use the standard iOS hierarchical lists for this but they are a bit cumbersome in their animations. Will look into it!


Frederik (FabFilter)

Cheers Frederik,

"We'll think about a possible solution for this."

Only (best) solution would be to include them in an update (please).

"Yes you can make a user presets folder"

Yes it works, and I can create folders within folders..
Funny thing: I've already tested this with Pro-Q3 - long time ago..
but because I don't use presets much (with EQ's) I had completely forgotten - until - I decided to check that the procedure worked through other FF plugins, and saw a folder I had made a while back (most likely when Q3 was released) ha.

Cheers for the reminder though!
S2 is creative, so its definitely a user preset/folder deal.

Glad you understood and are looking into the other points too.




“There is currently no way to import/export presets in our AUv3 plug-ins for iOS -- Apple really makes this difficult. As far as we see, an AUv3 plug-in cannot share its files in the Files app so we'd have to do something else.”

Moog does this very well in the standalone versions of their apps which automatically share presets with the auv3 versions. You can send folders or individual presets to the files app or dropbox or imessage or email or use Open In. We wouldn't need to do this inside the auv3 version really, just go open the standalone version.


Thanks for the info! We'll look into it to see how we can enable a similar behavior. It is really frustrating not to be able to share presets.


Frederik (FabFilter)

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