FabFilter User Forum

Pro • Q and Thump

Lately I've been using "Scheps Omni Channel". It have this "Thump" in the preamp section and it's such a musical eq curv.
How do I do this in Pro Q?

Morten Andersen

Thump is a very wide boost in the low end and a touch in the highs. I'm using Plugindoctor right now to analyse what "Thump" is doing and mimicking it in Pro-Q 3. I'm not joking, this is how you can copy Omni's "Thump" in Pro-Q 3:

- Bell point at 65Hz (default 12dB/oct slope)
- +2dB gain
- Q 1.5

- Bell point at 14kHz (default 12dB/oct slope)
- + 0.3dB gain
- Q 1

I can't see that it's affecting the dynamics in anyway so it looks like it's simply an EQ, so as above is Omni Channel's "Thump".


Awesome "J" ... thanks
Is this the 2db or 4db ?

Morten Andersen

Oh crap - sorry! My bad. I put "1.5" as the Q of the 65Hz bell... no that is wrong, I meant to say it was a Q of 0.15! It's very wide boost. Naturally that is Thump at 2dB. So here it is again (slight tweak to the high bell now that I check again, 0.275dB rather than 0.3dB - haha splitting hairs but let's be scientific).

Omni Channel THUMP at 2dB in Pro-Q:

- Bell point at 65Hz (default 12dB/oct slope)
- +2dB gain
- Q 0.15

- Bell point at 14kHz (default 12dB/oct slope)
- + 0.275dB gain
- Q 1

Omni Channel THUMP at 4dB in Pro-Q:

- Bell point at 120Hz (default 12dB/oct slope)
- +4dB gain
- Q 0.135

- Bell point at 14kHz (default 12dB/oct slope)
- + 0.275dB gain
- Q 1

Enjoy :)


Thanks - really appreciate your work :-)

Morten Andersen

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