FabFilter User Forum

License not sent

somehow the license is not being sent to my e-mail.


Isn't it in your account when you log in?


I am not sure how to log in - it never prompted me to create an account.
Thank you for your help!


My process was:
- buy bundle on thomann.de
- they sent a download link and an activation code
- I downloaded the bundle
- entered the activation code in the license field (confused the two codes)
- fabfilter website opened and I entered my data and activation code
- it said I will get an email but it never arrived


Correction: I just realized the activation page is the account creation page - but as I said no email arrived with the login information and/or the license code


Hmmm I guess you already checked your spam folder. I would just email Fabfilter, they’ll probably get back to you on Monday.
Sorry I can’t be of more help! But I’m sure they’ll sort it out


All right, thanks again.


Hi mbbmbbmm,

I believe we've had contact via email about this. You should have received an email from us. However, for some reason the emails generated from our website are blocked by t-online.de's webservers. We are working on a solution, but for now just get in touch with us if you're ordering with a t-online email address and have not received your confirmation email.


Ralph (FabFilter)

Same problem here. This morning I entered the registration codes for some plugins, but up to now I haven't recieved any e-mail from Fabfilter with further instructions...


Same problem here. Bought the Pro Q3 via Sweetwater. Went through the process. Got the software installed, etc. but when FabFilter told me they were sending the license to email it never arrived.


The same problem applies to me...I,ve bought the Pro Q on pluginbotique and went through with the activation process. However there has not been sent anything to my email.

vince m

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