FabFilter User Forum

Set up Fab filter for Cubase elements 10


I am trying to get started with sidechaining and installed the Fab Filter pro C2 to my windows based Cubas Elements 10. I have been looking at wideos and reading instructions but it seems like there is always some piece missing to get started, can someone help me here maybe.

I have created one track with a base line and one with a kick. I want the bas to duck for the kick. I want to enable external side chain and there is supposed to be a button for it in the plug in header but I dont have that. So I need help with getting the signal from the kick into the Fab Filter. I know I need to activate the "ext" button in the side chain drop down menu.

Thank you!

Niklas Eklund

Hi Niklas,
Cubase Elements doesn't have sideschaining, unfortunately.
It's stated here new.steinberg.net/cubase/compare-editions under the Mixing section. It's availabe only for Artist & Pro versions.


aah ok, what a pity, well well, I have to keep on looking, thank you!

Niklas Eklund

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