FabFilter User Forum

FF Channel Strip

Hi there,

please consider making a FF Channel Strip based on the Q3 with a compressor. I'd love to abandon AVID Channel Strip but being able to see and tweak EQ and Compression in one window is something I miss when I use Q3.

Many thanks!


Been asking for a decade now. We need a modern channel strip! There are too many hardware emulations out there.


What is the advantage of a channel strip over putting all of the needed plugins in insert points?


"What is the advantage of a channel strip over putting all of the needed plugins in insert points?"

-I'm not sure but I think you could save some cpu power and/or have less latency because up- and down rendering the signals on the in- and outputs of the single plugins won't be necessary.
Correct me if I'm wrong


It's mostly for ergonomics and quickness of having everything on a single page - EQ/Compression/Gate/Saturation. Why use 4+ plugins when you can get it done with one. And with a full page mode that would be awesome!


Yes, it makes sense to me, an option to load separate plugins and all in one channel strip if needed.


It would be absolutely amazing to see a Fabfilter channel strip! Something modern and not trying to emulate anything classic. Just the 'best' of the current EQ, comp, gate and saturation in one plugin. Different (expandable/collapsing) panes that you can enable and disable as needed. I would buy it instantly!


Yes I’d love to have a channel strip available. All of my pro tools templates would have this one channel strip inserted on each track.

Additionally it doesn’t have to be a channel strip, or could just be an effects rack like what other companies do.

Would love this.

Gregory Muzljakovich

These are all fair arguments.

I don't know if it actually saves cpu power at all.
An amount that worth saving, anyway.
FF plugins regularily don't add latency, unless you use lookahead/oversampling or things like that, then it will be added in a channel strip as well.

The Ergonomic part is the main thing I guess.
Problem is, though, you won't be able to get all the chain parts as detailed as the regular plugins.
Which is fine, I guess, for some material.
But I don't think it worths the effort of developing such plugin.
There are tons of plugins out there. If you take out the fine details of your loved plugins, then they're won't be special any more.

that's my 2 cents :}



Hi guys,

Thanks for the request. We love to make a chanel strip, however there are lots of other things we'd also like to make. So no promises here unfortunately..


Ralph (Fabfilter

Can you make the channel strip Softube Console 1 compatible? That would be perfect, you can call it Dutch Class A.


Hello everyone,

FF definitely deserves a Channel Strip.

I was going to get in touch with the company about this but saw this thread instead. FF can prepare a modern channel strip instead of analog emulations.

Call it channel strip or multi effects rack, no matter what. Just a tool that brings FF plugins together.

It can use '' lite '' versions of the already existing plugins. Let's say we have channel strip that includes somehow '' lite '' versions of Q,C,S. However if I want to get surgical with the saturation, than I can exclude S in the Channel Strip and load the Saturn itself separately and do what I want to do. Just an idea.

But seriously, you need to consider this. We need this.

Thank you.




Guys, we still need this.
Arguably more than ever.
Having all Fabfilter-Plugins (you bought)
In condensed form in one interface (Just knobs and buttons), but also the ability to expand the view and options on each of them, to basically view the original Plugin interface (Omni-Channel-Style) would just be perfect.
This would blow away EVERY competition in that regard.
(I for instance bought the FF Everything bundle because ...duh, but after that went ahead and also got me the InfiniStrip, as it was much quicker to get your mix up and running that way.)

Imagine a Saturn as pre-amp distortion followed by Volcanos coloured filters, then Pro-G and Pro-C, next Pro-Q of course, then maybe another instance of Saturn if it's still too dry, lastly Pro-L to tap it off.
And this could just be the default config...
There are possibilities for Pro-R or Timeless...
And don't get me started on the creative Possibilities of shared Modulation...
And if you add a Twin at the start, with Shared modulation and such, this could be THE most interesting Instrument without having to change mich from the Channel strip...
And if that isn't enough for everyone to turn their heads, just add Dry/Wet FX/Routing and all of our heads will be just spinning...
Sry for the looong text... you guys of course know best what to do with your time and resources, but I just had to get that out.

If someone really can make the best channel strip and has the most ground-work already done, It' you guys!
Thanks for your awesome work!

Tiny Trumpet

Yes, please.

Jan Christophersen

+1 for collab with Softube to get a channel strip with Console1-integration.


adding my echo to the chamber



Raphael Sepulveda

+1 Totally agree.

While FF plugs are my favorite, I've been using Isotope Neutron for basic stuff, because of the ease of their channel strip. I think Neutron actually demonstrates how FF plugins could basically have all their existing plugins stay the same, just nestle into an interface; then to switch and arrange, you just click on a "master" area.


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