FabFilter User Forum

Pro Q won't go into processing mode in Bidule

Strange behavior here with Pro Q x64 VST in Bidule, using standalone x64 versions 0.9762, 0.9761. Also in x32 ver 0.9761 with x32 Pro Q VST.

1. Choose Pro Q VST from the Bidule VST list and insert into Bidule.

2. When the Pro Q outputs are connected to mixer, etc., the Pro Q VST pops into Bypass mode and will not go into Processing mode. Pro Q will go to Mute mode, but then goes back into Bypass when attempting to switch to Processing mode.

3. This is happening for both Pro Q 2 and 3 VSTs for any versions that use 2 channels for input.

4. It does not occur with the 1 in / 1 out versions of Q2, Q2 mono, or Q3. It also does not occur with the "default ins default outs" version of Q2, Q2 mono, or Q3, but this "default i/o" selection does not allow use of the multiple outputs.

5. It also does not occur with the Pro Q VST 3 version.

6. Win 10, 1909, Ryzen5 2600X, ASUS B-350M. nVidia GT730.
7. Bidule x64 0.9762, 0.9761; x32 0.9761.
8. Pro Q 3, ver 3.16, Pro Q 2, ver 2.16


Unfortunately, the recent updates to Pro Q 3 (3.18) and Pro Q 2 (2.14) do not fix the issues using Pro Q with Bidule that I described six months ago. It continues to be an issue for me.

If any of the Q2 or Q3 multichannel outputs are connected, the Pro Q3 instance goes into Bidule's "Bypass" mode - Bypass allows the signal to pass through the VST module, but does no processing.

I am not successful in using Q2 or Q3 as multichannel VST, only as a 1 or 2 channel VST in Bidule.


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