FabFilter User Forum

GUI Size settings as part of a Preset?

It would be neat if you could save GUI settings as part of a preset. For example, when I need a quick and dirty bus limiter in Pro-L2, I'd prefer compact view. (And that would be my default load)

But when I put it on a master bus i'd like it at least to be small.

Similar for the compressor.

Seems like a vain request, but I thought it would be neat.


hey, it kinda already works with Pro-C2. :P (Display collapse can be saved as a preset)


Hi Ploki,

The size settings are a global setting, which are unfortunately not stored in presets.


Ralph (FabFilter)

For plug-in like Pro-Q 3, indeed the interface size is not saved with a preset. This would for example be very annoying when skipping presets (constanly changing size). The idea is that most of the time, you just choose a plug-in's interface size that suits your workflow and monitor size well... and it simply stays that way :-)

Floris (FabFilter)

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