FabFilter User Forum

Scaling display of C2

Hi FabFilter,

I was wondering if there's a way to change the scaling of the graph in C2 so that the compression kurve/knee display can stay in a visible range even when using rather low thresholds in film sessions. As you probably know our nominal level is around -20dBFs and fx and ambiences ca be way lower so 80% of the time I can never see the shape of the compression curve or the knee when the threshold is at -16 or lower even.

Could you add a mode where this display makes sense for us film people. Similar to AVID's channel strip compressor where you can see the compression kurve all the time?

Quite often in a film session that compression kurve in C2 is just a tiny rest of a white line in the bottom right corner of the knee display.

Many thanks!


Forgot to add: I am looking for something that keeps the curve visible even when your gain reduction scale is at 9dB in favour of a visual representation of what's going on rather than academic accuracy. Not sure who needs to see 90dB of gain reduction anyway. My default is the 9dB scale but this makes the knee window empty in film/dialogue gain staging.

Thanks again!


Hi Frank,

Thanks for the suggestion. I see what you mean and we'll think about a better way to show the knee display in this case.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks for listening Frederik!



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