FabFilter User Forum

Next product?

I love Timeless and I think a reverb from Fabfilter would really be something special (and relatively affordable too).

What do you say?



I hope Pro-C isn't an indication that fabfilter is moving away from creative effects and synths into the same boring mix/master utility plugs that everyone else is making...

I'd like to see a really weird distortion plug from fabfilter, with modulation options. Like fabfilter's take on ohmicide. Not necessarily multi-band, though... But perhaps a single filter (so as not to render volcano obsolete in the filtering department), distortion/saturation/bitcrushing/overdrive (two distortion/gain stages, one pre-filter, one post-filter would be excellent)
Drag and drop modulation like twin and timeless with mod sources being a few LFOs, envelope following, and perhaps even an analog style step sequencer?

This would certainly make for one hell of a sound mangling tool that would be unlike both current fabfilter products and the products offered by other companies.

It would become my favourite plugin instantly if it was made, and I'm certain fabfilter would make it easy to use and high quality too.

Mitchell Kehoe

I am holding my fingers crossed for a step-sequenced Volcano 2.0. So far that's one reason for me holding off for a while.


Two products on my FabFilter wish list: 1. A really good EQ (purple and white maybe) with a spectral analyzer built in (something along the lines of pro-c), with the whole easy usability thing and maybe a good intro to EQing in the manual.
2. A new step sequenced, appregiated monster synth based on a non traditional form of synthesis... additive maybe?? Consider it a challenge to make it both extremley usuable and deep for both newcomers and veterans a like.
If not additive then maybe some monster synth with all sorts of modulation options. I would love to see FabFilters take on synths like NI's Massive or U-He's Zebra 2.

Merry Christmas everyone!


Merry Christmas guys! :-)

... thanks for the great product ideas; we always listen carefully to customer feedback! But in the end, you will just have to wait and see what we come up with in 2008 ;-)


Floris (FabFilter)

As long as we're all in fantasy wish-list mode...

I would like to see a Fabfilter EQ Match tool (i.e. Feed it a piece of audio, and then have it adjust the EQ on your project to match the piece). There are around three on the market in AU/Mac format. The one in Ozone is a total PITA to use, and the other two are expensive and not very good, with poor GUIs. I bet Fabfilter could do a great job with this. My fantasy EQ Match tool would do the obvious (set EQ to match one audio file to another), but also match EQ to a genre ("give me a smooth jazz sound") or to presets, which would be familiar songs ("give me the Immigrant Song EQ match"). From that point, the EQ would be customizable by band (freq, q, blah blah).

My other wish-list idea is for a multi-band compressor/compander.

Good luck in '08, Fabfilter guys...I look forward to seeing what's next



I can't wait for Fabfilter's next synth! I really like Twin, the only things I miss are more voices, an effects section (esp.delay), & if possible more modulation options (LFOs, user-drawable multistage envelopes).

Anyways, I hope the Fabfilter team have a gr8 xmas break, & a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!



I would love to see you guys do a vocoder. With the quality of your filters, it could be one of the best...


+ 1,000,000 for a vocoder plug-in, I would love to see/hear your take on such a thing


Hi guys,

Thanks again for the ideas! So much to do, so little time. :-)

Frederik (FabFilter)

What I would like to see is some sort of Sequencer Gate / Harmonic Enhancer / Professional Linear Phase EQ combo, kind of like CamelSpace, but a lot better!! I trust that FabFilter is able to make something like that :)


I vote for a pro Eq - the pro-c is of such a quality, that there's a huge potentional out there for seasoned mixer-pro's with a more "traditional angle" to discover you guys to a greater degree.

An eq with analog/colour flare, but also transparent , and maybe dynamic (?) possibilities would be a good step!


Eirik Grønner

Dear FabFilters,
I agree 100% with Klemen, a reverb would be awesome! I got hooked instantly by Timeless and Pro-C and I'm sure you could find something funky to add to reverb paradigm while maintaining a high level of sound quality and ease of use...
I trust in you!
All the best.


Great ideas guys, keep 'm coming. We will need to start working 24h a day to get all these plug-ins finished ;-)

Floris (FabFilter)

I have good eq's and such, what I want is Volcano 2 with more kinds of specialty filters, A/B banks, the ability to turn each part off, etc.

What I want more than anything is something like SPL's Transient Designer. I don't know how feasible that is but it is something that is sorely needed.


Wow I can't believe how long this post has gone on for! Seems people really like Fabfilters stuff.. as they should! (I think it's excellent).
I want to make one last request. It would be great if from time to time you revised your older plug-ins to make updates and add innovative features so they don't risk running out of date. It would also be great if you guys kept the presets coming with each new revision. I think that's a great level of support for your loyal customers as well as your products.

Thanks for all the music making fun!


Well, obviously a vocoder :)

And what I'm really looking for is a really liquid phaser than doesn't muddy up the original sound, but just liquifies it, keeping all the tonal range. All the phasers I've tried so far are DULL DULL DULL!

And what I'd love, as primarily a guitarist, is a beautiful fat, FUZZY, distortion. There are too many brittle distortions, or they are too subtle. I want to go from pure clean to total fuzziness, with fat, furry edges that totally break up the sound but from the edges in (visually speaking). You know like a feather duster? Fuzzy edges like that :) But really able to dial in total distortion, but keeping the softness.
I know you guys can do it! The edges of your sounds are so creamy :)


Hi guys,

Great ideas! Keep 'm coming. And Brian: you're right. We are actually working on updates... going to be awesome, just wait and see ;-)


Floris (FabFilter)

There was a very usable new synth called Circle that was recently announced at Musikmesse by a new company. I think it's greatest strength is ease of usablitiy because you can actually "see" how every perameter effects the sound. Not to tell you how to design your software, but this is the direction I personally would like to see FabFilter go in. You've already started it with Pro-C and I would love to see more visual references in your products.



You know what else I would like to see.. REX groove mapping (template) support for your next synth (that is, if you happen to be working on a new synth!).
Demanding I know, but given the rich sound of the your osciallators (and Filters) in your One and Twin (+ effects) synths, you can't blame people for wanting more! :)



Fabilter Sampler. Nuff said


I would love to see a sampler, similar to ableton's sampler (not simpler), but with the unbeaten fabfilter filter envelopes.

Reason is if Im jammin with some sound and my CPU gets heavy, I bounce some audio (often stabs). But the Live Sampler has filters that sound weak compared to FF's.

Besides that the FF always has good GUI

Rolf Mulder

I would also love to see fab filter do a sampler. You guys have a way of making thing simpler, but still very deep. Keep up.

Joshua Stevens

I would buy a Sampler, if it can load sf2, and it has few Fabfilter filters models. Well, I should see its price before buy :)


I cannot stress out enough that FF should make a nice sampler, which is also suitable for drumprogramming!

The filters rock, and the modulation concept too, so that screams for a sampler!


+1 on the Fampler :)
I'd also love to see more patch banks for Twin. I have to give credit to Twin for the past 3 tracks of mine which have been signed. Having good presets to listen to and tweak really gets me inspired to write.



Sampler would be a killer. Filters in soft samplers available today are their weakest part. Fabfilter filters are definitely the best.


I was thinking about this lately and thought that a Fabfilter Channel Strip would be totally awesome.

With eq, saturation, compression. Kinda like a pro c and pro q and a few filters together in one plugin.

Just throwing it out there and hoping will be heard :)

Akazi Shabur

You guys have the best creative and musical tools out there. Reminiscent of a software approach to modular analog synth gear, you should compliment your arsenal with more ideas from that domain, rather than the vanilla offerings of other companies (reverb, delay, compression, eq, flange, phase, etc).

Develop unique toys like frequency shifters, distortion units, vocoders, etc.

Don't get me wrong, your take on compression and EQ have resulted in two of my favorite plug-ins for those tasks, but Fabfilter excels at providing unique instruments and effects for musicians!

No matter what you come up with, I'm sure I'll buy it. :) Keep up the good work!

Jordan Stoner

Also, no one makes a good software fuzz. I'd like to see a modular distortion plug-in that has ballsy fuzz like the Synth Mangler (from Effector 13/Devi Ever/OohLaLa).

Jordan Stoner

Actually, I'd really love to see you guys acquire Circle:


FAW is a one-man operation, and right now Circle has some performance issues with Core 2 Duo Macs and Snow Leopard compatibility. However, it's an awesome synth in scope and usability that seems right up your alley. I'm sure you could get it up to snuff and add your special brand of goodness... it's at least worth a demo. :)

As-is, it's a really nice piece of software, but the support is not up to par. Don't know if you're interested in acquisitions or not, but it would really complement your already outstanding catalogue.

Jordan Stoner

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